New squad incoming! This expansion introduces a Squad of 6 new Legends into Apex Legends™: The Board Game (Caustic, Crypto, Mirage, Octane, Revenant, and Wattson), and contains all the necessary components for each, including miniatures for the Legend and their powers, cards, and storage tray.
The Squad 1 Expansion introduces 6 new Legends into the roster of Apex Legends™: The Board Game:
- The poisoner Caustic uses poison traps and gas grenades, creating hazard zones on the battlefield and weakening enemy Legends before closing in for the kill.
- The hacker Crypto utilizes his surveillance drone to scout and loot the area, as well as drain the shields of his enemies with EMP attacks.
- The trickster Mirage uses Hologram decoys to confuse his opponents, shield himself from harm, and conceal his location.
- The daredevil Octane outsmarts other Legends with spectacular stunts and pure speed.
- The simulacrum Revenant uses his Silence Device to prevent his foes from using their abilities, while his Death Totem serves his squadmates in cheating death.
- The voltaic inventor Wattson helps out allied Legends by recharging their shields and creating fortified safe zones on the battlefield.
- 6 Legend miniatures
- Caustic
- Crypto
- Mirage
- Octane
- Revenant
- Wattson
- 15 Legend Effect miniatures
- Nox Gas Trap x3
- Nox Gas Grenade
- Surveillance Drone
- Mirage Hologram x3
- Launch Pad
- Silence Device
- Death Totem
- Interception Pylon
- Fence Node x4
- 48 Feat cards
- 12 Ability cards
- 1 Mirage ID card
- 6 Revenant Shadow cards
- 6 Draft cards
- 13 Ability tokens
- 8 Ability markers
- 6 Legend Info Sheets
- Custom Storage trays
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